Governor Mike DeWine’s story is a true Ohio story. Of Irish descent, he is the son of
Jean Ruth (Liddle) and Richard Lee DeWine. Raised in Yellow Springs, Mike DeWine
and Fran (Struewing) met in the first grade and married while students at Miami
University. They’ve been blessed with eight children and 26 grandchildren. Family is at
the core of everything Mike DeWine does.
His family started a seed company in Yellow
Springs. Working alongside his parents and grandparents, Mike learned early the value
of hard work, strong leadership, and fiscal responsibility.
Growing up, he loaded seed bags onto trucks and boxcars, shoveled wheat out of trucks during harvest, worked in wheat fields to help ensure the purity of the seed, and basically did whatever it took to get the job done for their customers.
Inseparable to the end, his parents were married for 65 years and died within four days of each other. The values he learned from them still live within him today.
On November 6, 2018, Mike DeWine was elected to serve as the 70 th Governor of the
State of Ohio. The Governor has had a long and distinguished career in public service,
focusing on protecting Ohio children and families. He was previously the 50 th Attorney General of Ohio and has previously been elected to serve as Greene County Prosecutor,
Ohio State Senator, U.S. Congressman, Ohio Lt. Governor, U.S. Senator.